Aimbot Hack, ESP, Wall Hack aimbot hack aimbot hack has auto-aiming, wallhack, ESP features. When you have the Krunkerio aimbot, you will see other players’ locations with wallhack. With a red laser, you will get caught by enemies and see them in green lines. If you want to kill them, you should press the right mouse and then auto-aim will lock them to kill. In addition, you can observe the opponents’ names, distances, health, weapon, and ammo numbers with ESP. Aimbot Hack is a new generation shooting game. This game is similar to the counter strike game in general. If you’ve played counter-strike, it’s probably very easy to be # 1 in this game. When you start the game, you must choose your character, your weapon, and the server to play. Then you must start the game by selecting the map you want to play. In the game, you can use the aimbot and speed hack if you have difficulty shooting the enemies and can not play professionally.

You must install the aimbot hack and activate the Tampermonkey plugin before starting the game. Then you can enter the game. You don’t need to do anything extra after you get into the game because the trick is automatically activated. There is a hack menu on the starting page under the Custom Maps line. aimbot hack

The Features Of Aimbot Hack

  1. No Recoil
  2. ESP
  3. Bhop
  4. Auto Aim
  5. Triggerbot
  6. Quickscoper
  7. Manual Aim Assist
  8. Use Weapon Range
  9. Aim Through Walls
  10. Custom Aim Setting
  11. FPS counter

Fast Keys

  • 1: Change Auto Aim Mode (to use auto aim, players should disable auto fire feature)
  • 2: Auto Bhop
  • 3: Auto Reload
  • 4: No Recoil
  • 5: Aim Delta
  • 6: Burst Shock
  • 7: Force Scope
  • 8: No Death Delay
  • 9: Super Gun
  • 0: Spin Bot

Details Of The Features

  • No recoil prevents the backfire of your weapon and you can kill enemies more flawlessly.
  • ESP provides other players’ names, distances, health, weapon, and ammo numbers from a distance.
  • Bhop means bunny hop. With this feature, enemies can’t shoot you in one shot and you can move faster than normal players.
  • Auto aim is auto-targeting as its name suggests. To use this feature, you must press the right mouse button and your character will automatically target opponents.
  • Triggerbot allows you to shoot automatically when you hover over enemy units by holding down the assigned key.
  • Quickscoper allows you to open the scope feature on your gun more quickly compared to normal players.
  • Manual aimbot assist is the feature that you must act on if you want to select the automatic targeting for the players yourself. Together with this feature, you need to decide to target remote enemies or nearby enemies.
  • Use weapon range increases the distance you can shoot with your weapon.
  • Aim through walls is auto-targeting to enemies behind walls.
  • Custom aim setting activates all of your targeting options.
  • Fps counter shows you the speed of your game. If your fps drop, the counter shows it with yellow or red color. Aimbot Hack (needs Tampermonkey or others below)

Small Download

You must have 

VirusTotal Scan: Aimbot

You have to delete other aimbot hack scripts!

Updated: 1 May 2020

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  1. Can you shoot through walls? if not please could you add it thanks

    1. Now, we are working on this feature. Thank you for the sharing with us.

    1. Do you have Tampermonkey plugin before downloading?

  2. bunch of losers can’t win a game without cheating… bet you still lose with hacks too

  3. ummmm theres an upd8 and it detects userscripts soooo u need to fix that if u can plz and thx

    1. There is a new update for aimbot. You can play with it.

  4. even when I use the hacks people easily kill me and I miss many shots can you please fix this

  5. How do you open the hack menu because I can not find it for the life of me

  6. how do you use mods without downloading anything or extensions

  7. is there anyway to get aimbot without downloading tampermonkey or any of those extensions

  8. it says, “you have extensions please diable them” and after a few minutes the site closes itself

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